frequently asked questions
Are there any photos of HANDS FOR HEALTH Masseuses?
NO. Photos are too easily enhanced on computer.
Can a booking time be changed?
YES. Please notify our HANDS FOR HEALTH RECEPTIONIST at least TWO HOURS prior to your booking time to avoid a rescheduling fee of £100.
Can a HANDS FOR HEALTH Massage be booked for a friend?
NO. Although you can only book a HANDS FOR HEALTH Massage for yourself by calling our HANDS FOR HEALTH MASSAGE, she will be delighted to speak to your friend and book a HANDS FOR HEALTH MASSAGE for him or her.
Can a HANDS FOR HEALTH Massage be extended?
YES. Please indicate so within the first 10 minutes of your arrival.
Do HANDS FOR HEALTH have an in-call facility?
Yes we do.
Do HANDS FOR HEALTH accept Credit Cards?
YES. HANDS FOR HEALTH is now accepting cash and secured online payments.